"Here come the sun, here come the sun that I say is all right.." sound familier???
Sun (Tubastrea) and yellow polyps corals extenting tentacles for foods
Sun corals from the species Tubastrea are by far the most common found for sale. Coloration ranges from a rich orange to yellow.
Tubastrea are non photosynthetic corals that require feeding. Each head has a mouth that captures passing prey.Because they do not possess an ass, waste is expelled through their mouths which is confirmation that god does indeed, have a sense of humor.In the wild they are found in shaded areas that have good flow. While the flow rate in captivity should be emulated, they can also do well under direct light. Problems that may arise include the growth of algae on the coral rock itself. But if you have hair algae or any other nuisance algae growing on any rock in your aquarium, your tank has problems. Ideally, they should be fed everyday but they get by with feedings three to four times a week. Feed them meaty foods like raw chopped seafood and mysis shrimp.
Tubastrea are non photosynthetic corals that require feeding. Each head has a mouth that captures passing prey.Because they do not possess an ass, waste is expelled through their mouths which is confirmation that god does indeed, have a sense of humor.In the wild they are found in shaded areas that have good flow. While the flow rate in captivity should be emulated, they can also do well under direct light. Problems that may arise include the growth of algae on the coral rock itself. But if you have hair algae or any other nuisance algae growing on any rock in your aquarium, your tank has problems. Ideally, they should be fed everyday but they get by with feedings three to four times a week. Feed them meaty foods like raw chopped seafood and mysis shrimp.
The Orange Sun Coral is considered to require a moderately difficult level of care, however, it tends to be a pretty hardy animal in my opinion. It requires a pH of 8.1-8.4, a temperature of 26-27ºC) and a specific gravity between 1.023 and 1.025.
Here come the sun....coral!